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Geneva OHCHR Corporate Accountability Expert Meeting
October 30, 2017 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm EDT
In its Resolution 32/10, the Human Rights Council requested the High Commissioner to continue work in this area and to convene two consultations involving representatives of States and other stakeholders. OHCHR convened these consultations in late 2017 with a view to further unpacking the policy objectives contained in the ARP I report and exploring certain areas that warranted closer attention.
The first consultation was held in Geneva in October 2017 and looked at the relationship between human rights due diligence (as described in the UNGPs) and determinations of corporate liability under national law for adverse human rights impacts arising from or connected with business activities.
The second consultation was held during the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights in Geneva in November 2017. It focused on elements of criminal and administrative regimes that facilitate or hinder corporate accountability and access to remedy when companies are involved in human rights abuses. The consultation sought to explore strengths and weaknesses of different approaches and outline ways forward for states.
CCIJ was invited by the OHCHR in Geneva for a multi-day expert meeting on Human Rights Due Diligence and Corporate Accountability. This was an opportunity for CCIJ to share its expertise and make meaningful contacts in this area of law.