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Canadian Responses to Mass Atrocities+G167


The event was held in Ottawa and organized by the Canadian Council on International Law. Professor Fannie Lafontaine and Amanda Ghahremani, CCIL's legal director, were invited as panelists.

Nobel Women’s Initiative Fellowship Workshop

CCIJ was invited by the Nobel Women’s Initiative to speak to their 2017 Fellows about our work, the Homa Hoodfar case and campaign, and to share insight into careers and...

Metropolis North America Migration Policy Forum

Arlington VA, United States

This inaugural Policy Forum will be held in Washington, DC on November 16th and 17th, 2017. It will facilitate open and constructive discussion between policy-makers, researchers and practitioners in order...

UN Forum on Business and Human Rights

Geneva , Switzerland

The UN Forum on Business and Human Rights is the global platform for yearly stock-taking and lesson-sharing on efforts to move the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights from paper...