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Is Humanitarian Law Part of the Problem?

Villa Salviati Florence, Italy

The event is organised by the International Law Working Group and the Intellectual History Working Group of the European University Institute. Professor Samuel Moyn presents his book "Humane: How the...

Intersectional Gender-Sensitive Investigations and Prosecutions

The webinar 2 "Intersectionality in investigations and prosecutions of international crimes" is organized by the Transitional Justice Institute at Ulster University with the Unit for Global Justice at Goldsmiths University...

Ecocide – Puzzles and Possibilities

Florence , Italy

The International Law Working Group of European University Institute (EUI) hosts a discussion with co-researcher Darryl Robinson of Queen's University Falculty of Law. The event features a presentation "Ecocide -...

The War in Ukraine: A Discussion

The Centre for Transitional Justice and Post-Conflict Reconstruction hosts a panel on "The War in Ukraine: A Discussion". The panelists Dr. Marta Dyczok, Dr. Ryan Liss, and Dr. Valerie Oosterveld will...

Actualité de la justice pénale internationale

L'Université Côte d'Azur organise le Séminaire annuel sur la justice pénale internationale, d'une actualité avec la demande adressée par 39 États au procureur de la Cour pénale internationale d'ouvrir une...