E-learning Programme: Decolonizing International Criminal Justice The Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights is pleased to announce the…Clara NormandSeptember 28, 2023
Prosecuting Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes at the ICC: An Expert Roundtable On 20-22 October 2022, the American Branch of the International Law Association hosts its annual…Clara NormandSeptember 27, 2023
Webinar – Lights and Shadows in the Ongwen Case at the International Criminal Court: Inter- and Multi-disciplinary Approaches On 13-14 October 2022, the research project team Negotiating International Criminal Law of University of Jyväskylä,…Clara NormandSeptember 27, 2023
Evaluating the International Criminal Court after 20 Years (International Criminal Law Interest Group Business Meeting) The Society's 116th Annual Meeting organised by the American Society of International Law takes place…Clara NormandSeptember 22, 2023
Caught in Conflict: Seeking justice for survivors of gender based crimes in war The University of Manitoba, Centre for Defence and Security Studies and the Canadian Red Cross…Clara NormandSeptember 21, 2023
ICC Scholars Forum 2022 The Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law and the University of Illinois College…Clara NormandSeptember 20, 2023
International Criminal Court at 20: Reflections on the Past, Present and the Future The International Criminal Court (ICC) announces the conference “International Criminal Court at 20: Reflections on…Clara NormandSeptember 15, 2023
Actualité de la justice pénale internationale L'Université Côte d'Azur organise le Séminaire annuel sur la justice pénale internationale, d'une actualité avec…Clara NormandSeptember 14, 2023
Global crisis and the potential of the ICC: relevance of ecocide as the fifth crime The event was co-hosted by Vanuatu, Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) and Stop Ecocide Foundation.…MelanieSeptember 7, 2023
Upcoming Events Un quart de siècle de lutte contre l’impunité: quelles perspectives d’avenir pour la Cour pénale internationale? À quelques semaines du 25e anniversaire de l’adoption du Statut de Rome de la Cour…MelanieMay 5, 2023